State Public Defense Commission-
2019 C1 Archive
IDAPA 61 Administrative Rules
- 61.01.01, Rules Governing Training Requirements for Defending Attorneys
and the Administration of Training Funds - 61.01.02, Rules Governing Uniform Data Reporting Requirements and Forms for Defending Attorney Annual Reports
- 61.01.03, Rules Governing Contracts and Core Requirements
for Contracts Between Counties and Private Attorneys
for the Provision of Indigent Defense Services - 61.01.04, Rules Governing Procedures and Forms for the Application
and Disbursement of Indigent Defense Grants - 61.01.06, Rules Governing Procedures for the Oversight, Implementation,
Enforcement, and Modification of Indigent Defense Standards - 61.01.07, Rules Governing Standards for Defending Attorneys That Utilize
Idaho’s Principles of an Indigent Defense Delivery System - 61.01.08, Rules Governing the Administration of Idaho’s Indigent
Defense Delivery Systems – Rule Definitions